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Luogo di lavoro:

Italia, Puglia, Mola di Bari


Industria metalmeccanica



Filiale: angelstar
Data ultimo aggiornamento: 07/05/2024
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Position Mission

Planning and coordinating activities and resources assigned, to prepare and issue offers in compliance with the Inquiry To Order (ITO) process.


  • Analysis of calls to tender and requests from customers
  • Creation of the internal RFQ, registration and management of tender documents on the CRM management system
  • Scouting of the reference market (eg search for tenders) to identify new business opportunities
  • Drafting / updating of the offer preparation plan
  • Calling of the Tender Review Meeting to discuss the technical and commercial gaps that arises from the Tender / Inquiries analysis and any associated risks and sharing of the mitigation solutions with the stakeholders, listing any assumptions and exclusions to be taken into account in the drafting of the budget.
  • Calling of the Bid Review Meeting for the discussion of the offers, Terms and conditions, as well as sharing with the management of the costs and margins proposed to initiate the authorization flow.
  • Review the offer, to verify that the risks assessed in the Risk Analysis phase (technical, Financial, Legal and Country analysis) have been taken into consideration during the preparation of the offer and the risk actions included in the offer itself.
  • Review the contents of the order received from the customer to verify the consistency and discrepancies with respect to what is offered.
  • Preparation of monthly reports for statistical analysis of the KPIs of the ITO process

Technical Skills, Qualifications and Professional Experience

Tendering Specialist must have degree in management / electronic / electrical or mechanical engineering and two-year skills and experience listed below at least:

  • Skills in planning bidding and bidding processes
  • Knowledge of order management processes (project management)
  • Coordination of multidisciplinary risk assessment processes (technical, legal and financial) during the gap evaluation process
  • Review of the economic proposals
  • Skills in budgeting, cost analysis and review

Azienda: AngelStar

Sosteniamo la parità di genere e promuoviamo un ambiente equo ed inclusivo.

Accogliamo candidature da qualsiasi persona indipendentemente dal background di provenienza, riconoscendo il valore della diversità nel nostro contesto lavorativo. Il nostro processo di selezione si basa sul principio base di favorire l'uguaglianza professionale promuovendo principi di non discriminazione basati sul genere, età, etnia, nazionalità, disabilità, religione, orientamento sessuale, stato civile ed appartenenza o meno a organizzazioni sindacali o politiche.

Più dettagli

Tipo di contratto:Contratto a tempo indeterminato


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